Oxford PhD
2020 - Present
Researching the foundations of quantum information, including quantum thermodynamics and thought experiments about measurement. Tutor for graduate quantum information course.
IBM Quantum internship
2021 - Present
Working with the Qiskit team on quantum education, including making videos about quantum paradoxes for the Qiskit YouTube channel and lecturing for the Qiskit Global Summer School.
Physics World contributor
2021 - Present
I write articles on the latest breakthroughs in quantum physics and technology.
STEM Ambassador
2017 - Present
Frequently deliver workshops on quantum computing and entropy at schools and events for young people. Invited judge for many science competitions. Leading outreach with the IOP QQQ group by creating the Quantum on the Clock schools video competition.
Quantum Entrepreneurship Lab
2021 - 2022
Created a quantum start-up concept, ResQ, using quantum machine learning to make the electricity grid more resilient, mentored by E.ON. Pitched idea and demo to industry leaders at the Demo Day.
Riverlane internship
Summer 2020
Built and programmed a physical simulation of a quantum computing lab using Raspberry Pis and other circuit boards. Created an outreach video about the project, aimed at young people.
Oxford Quantum Information Society
2019 - 2020
Founded the society and was President, established a committee and ran a creative range of events including expert talks, PhD flash talks, quantum workshops, panels, discussions, and lab tours.
Oxford Physics degree
2016 - 2020
First class. Practical Commendation for lab work, Gibbs Prize for 2nd year presentation, Best Poster Prize for 4th year project at Quantum Thermodynamics for Young Scientists Conference 2020.
High School
2009 - 2016
Vice Chair of Debating Society; Science Mentor; Book Group discussion leader; writer and editor for The Experiment magazine; Liverpool Physics Olympics prize; qualified for British Maths Olympiad 1; Commendation for BPhO Experimental Project.