Blog & News

In honour of World Quantum Day on 14th April 2024, I collaborated with friends Jacob Watkins, Ben Hall and Frances Lunder to produce a quantum computing themed parody! Jacob and I wrote the lyrics, and they are sung by Frances Lunder as a "Variational quantum algorithm", and Ben Hall as a "quantum scientist", telling the emotional story of working...

On Wednesday 10th April, I competed in the Institute of Physics 3-Minute-Wonder competition (mentioned in my previous blog post). With the help of mini-eggs and popcorn, I gave a talk about my research, "Can a quantum demon reverse time's arrow?". I'm excited to have won the heat and be competing in the Grand Final at the Royal Institution on...

I was recently asked if I have any tips for academic presentations, and I thought I'd post a version of my response here! This is the pretty unfiltered and spontaneous list of tips that immediately came to mind:

Welcome to my website! I recently updated it with a "Research" page and a "Content" page, gathering my work in one place.